The following is a representative selection of essays written by Dr. Shenton.
“Apocalyptic themes in the music of Olivier Messiaen,” in Dies ire, dies ill: Music in the Apocalyptic Mode (Lorenzo DiTommaso and Colin McAllister, editors), (Leiden, Brill: 2023), 177-197.

“Messiaen as Organist of L’Église de la Sainte-Trinité, Paris,” and “Messiaen on Record: the Organ Music,” in Messiaen in Context (Robert Sholl, editor), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 181-189 & 109-198.

“The Rest is Silence: Pärt’s use of Silence,” in Arvo Pärt: Sounding the Sacred (Peter C. Bouteneff, Jeffers Engelhardt, and Robert Saler, editors), (NYC, Fordham University Press: 2020), pp. 107-126.

“A Cluster of Gathering Shadows: Exposition and Exegesis in James MacMillan’s Seven Last Words from the Cross,” in James Macmillan Studies (George Parson and Robert Sholl, editors), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 149-166.

“1 + 1 = 1: The Elegant Mathematics of Arvo Pärt’s Tintinnabulation,” in Twentieth Century Music and Mathematics (Roberto Illiano, editor), (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2019), pp. 111-128.

“Magnificat: Arvo Pärt the quiet evangelist,” in Exploring Christian Song, M. Jennifer Bloxam and Andrew Shenton, editors, (Lexington Press, 2017), pp. 155-172.

“Performing Pärt,” in Arvo Pärt’s White Light: Media, Culture and Politics, Laura Dolp, editor, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 212-237.

“For Whom the Bells Toll: Arvo Pärt’s Passio, Metamodernism and the Appealing Promise of Tintinnabulation,” in Contemporary Music and Spirituality, Robert Sholl and Sander van Maas, editors, (New York: Routledge, 2016), pp. 17-36.

“Musical Settings of the Passion Texts,” in Engaging the Passion: Perspectives on the Death of Jesus, Oliver Larry Yarbrough, editor, (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2015), pp. 111-148.

“Negotiating Ecstasy: Electronic Dance Music and the Temporary Autonomous Zone,” in Thresholds of Listening: Sound, Technics, Space, Sander van Maas, editor, (New York: OUP / Fordham University Press, 2015), pp. 226-243.

“The Essential and Phenomenal Arvo Pärt,” and “Arvo Pärt in his own words,” in The Cambridge Companion to Arvo Pärt, Andrew Shenton, editor, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp. 1-9 and 111-127.

“Five Quartets: The Search for Stillness and Reconciliation in the War Works of Olivier Messiaen and T. S. Eliot,” in Messiaen the Theologian, Andrew Shenton, editor, (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010), pp. 145-161.